Domestic Violence

End Domestic Violence
Domestic violence (DV) occur in various forms and can be unique to different communities of color. While there are relatable characteristics and traits, some challenges arise with a lack cultural relatability and resources. The lack of supportive resources, services, and tools that connect with people of color (POC) contribute to disparities in marginalized populations. Through advocacy, partnerships with survivors, and subject matter experts; And I Stand is committed to providing resources to minority communities through outreach activities.
The "No More" Challenge Program
Often times, domestic violence (DV) is masked; an individual could look perfectly normal but may be suffering in silence. As a community, we have to be deliberate in our efforts to end the silence of DV. The No More Challenge Program, educates the community on how to look for signs through preventive measures and take action against an abuser(s). This challenge also addresses various types of DV and how one stands their ground during these traumatic situations. While there are various types of DV, And I Stand categorize DV by five areas:
Economic Abuse
To further emphasize the No More Challenge Program, for the month of October (i.e. Domestic Violence Awareness Month), And I Stand pushes a virtual advocacy campaign through social media to end DV. How can you join the campaign?
Step 1: Take a picture or video with a sign that reads, #NoMoreChallenge with #EndDomesticViolence and/or #StopDomesticViolence.
Step 2: Post your picture/video on all of your social media sites (Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter etc.) with caption hashtags to include #NoMoreChallenge with #EndDomesticViolence and/or #StopDomesticViolence #AndIStand. NOTE: Tag at least 3 people to help keep the challenge going!
Step 3: Don't forget to tag us @andistandorg or by using #AndIStand so we can feature you on our website and social media sites!
Through advocacy, together we can all help advocate the importance of ending domestic violence. No one should ever be in fear at the hands of another human being. For more information about the No More Challenge Program, contact us today!